Try This 3.3


From page 53 in the textbook:

Pick a story from today's newspaper about an outrageous or terrible event. Write a paragraph about it in the tone of an official who considers it politically necessary, a Sunday school teacher explaining it as God's plan, or a social scientist analyzing it for current trends.

Post your paragraphs in the comments


  1. COVID cases and deaths are still on the rise even in the wake of the vaccine rollout coming to a close. Majority of Americans have been vaccinated yet we as a country are still grappling with the task of how to defeat this pandemic in the most effective way. I am here to tell everybody that while cases are on the rise and lives are being lost, this is what needs to happen in order to maintain a healthy country. Many people believe that those who have succumbed to the virus are those in our society who are the least healthy, active, productive, and have often lived a life riddled with previous health conditions and diagnoses. A popular theory regarding COVID is that it takes a toll on our most vulnerable and weak population. Many have taken the stance of wanting to see the virus run its own natural course- while many lives would be lost and our economy would be destroyed, perhaps we would have a society of those who are far more fit and have better immune defense and protection against a virus like COVID. While the statistics may be hard to look at, the fact remains: Those who have not taken care of themselves prior to COVID fare the worst in terms of battling this virus. (Using the tone of a health conscious gym goer on a podcast)

    1. I liked reading this as I have heard this side of COVID before. I think you did a good job describing the tone of the health conscious gym goer and i could always a way where i heard someone reading it in a very angry tone. I like reading things that creates a voice in my head that reads the sentences in a way I think the author is trying to convey it as.

  2. 1 Dead, 14 hurt in shooting at Kroger grocery store

    In recent news there was a shooting in Kroger where a gunman opened fire killing 1 including himself and injuring 14. Although bullet wounds is what killed a 70 year old woman and injured 14, I believe that this is necessary to see that guns don’t kill people, people kill people. People who have underlining mental health problems should've never gotten a gun and got some mental health care. It is people like this that are ruining the abilities for us people to get guns for hunting and to protect ourselves. Guns don’t need to get taken away it is people with mental health problems that need to get taken to treatments and not get a gun. These shootings will only keep happening the more these crazy people get guns and lose their minds making them do these horrible things. (In tone of a pro-gun activist)

    1. I really liked the way you wrote this paragraph. I agree with you that guns need to have more protocols before anyone can get one. There are mentally ill people just like this that can easily find/ purchase a gun with little to no background info needed. It’s scary and mass murders like this have to be stopped!
      Isabella Krueger

  3. The changing weather is a sign from God that we are about to be saved. No longer must we suffer as these mortal beings, soon our Savior will grant us the sweet release of death and remove us from this world. Just as God did in the Bible with Noah and the ark, modern day sin will be wiped from the Earth in catastrophic disasters that will plague this heating up Earth. We will not be able to survive the conditions we have created for ourselves much longer and we will be our own demise. We are lucky to have someone who cares so much about us that he is able to forgive us of our sins and save us. The end is coming, but I welcome it. (In tone of doomsday church goer who believes everything happens for a reason)

  4. A woman and her 2-year old son fall to their death at Petco Park in California. This is suspicious. How does a grown woman that is responsible for her son cause them to fall to die. It doesn’t make sense and is quite suspicious. Many witnesses also say this seems quite suspicious and may even have happened on purpose. This is important and needs to be examined because things like this need to change. Suicide notes are rising and as a whole we need to come together to change this! To protect our people!
    Isabella Krueger

  5. A federal judge is Pro vaccine requirements. As COVID becomes prominent again you can see the trend of fear rise in everyone whether it be pro or anti vax. Pro vaccinators are trying to force it upon everyone which in my opinion is an infringement on rights but, I am vaccinated. I would love to have everyone vaccinated but, that is not my choice because everyone has their own fears. I fear for my families sake because of their health problems while others fear the government and the safety of the vaccination. This is all the more progress of the widening political divide. So far everything is as expected with no hope of middle ground in the near future. Is this a ploy to separate the US even more or a deeper meaning. (In tone of a skeptical social analyst of today's society)

    Hearing about the angry parents in Ankeny today has us worried. With the Delta variant affecting many families and taking lives, it is important that we take the proper precautions. This would include wearing a mask when indoors and social distancing as much as possible. For the safety of the community and our children I hope that you all would do research and revisit the CDCs guidelines, before making any decisions.

  7. In the midst of the pandemic, there has been another possible breakthrough to treating COVID-19. People are getting increasingly worried about contracting the virus, but they might not have to fear for much longer. There has recently been a pill developed and given to some patients with COVID that is said to treat the virus. This antiviral pill is not a new concept-- there are several other antiviral pills for other viruses and diseases. With the rise of this pill, it is possible that COVID will become less of a worry for individuals because it will be treated more similarly to the flu. This virus has taken the lives of thousands, which is a tragedy, but this pill could be the way to put an end to the increasing COVID deaths. Everyone should consider taking the pill if they are to contact the virus to ensure that they will recover.

    (In tone of a social scientist or official that considers it necessary)



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