Chapter 6 - Key Words



Please choose at least 3 key terms from Chapter 6  and define them using the book and then add a supplemental definition that you found while researching on the Internet. Post the definitions in comments box. These terms will help us during our class discussions of story. We will review the context of the words in our next class discussion. 


  1. Protagonist- central character
    Antagonist- represents the obstacles to the protagonists desires and may be another humans being or some other force
    Exposition- statement of the situation at the beginning of the action

    Online Definition:
    Protagonist- The leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text.
    Antagonist- A person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.
    Exposition- Meant to relay background information about a main character, setting, event or other element of the narrative

  2. story as journey --

  3. Protagonist: central character
    -the leading character

    Antagonist: represents the obstacles to the protagonist's desires and may be another human being or some other force
    -a person who's actively hostile or opposing

    Short-short story: only 101 words
    -extremely brief story usually seeking an effect of shock or surprise

  4. Protagonist: central or main characters
    Antagonist: represents the obstacles or opposing force to the protagonist’s desires, may be human or some other force.
    Exposition: statement of the situation at the beginning of the action which is typically a state of unstable equilibrium.

  5. crisis ---
    conflict --
    resolution --
    short story --

    --Dr. Hill

  6. Dr. Hill says

    protagonist --
    antagonist --

  7. Logan Burford
    protagonist: the protagonist is essentially the main character of the story, who keeps it moving forward and makes decisions that change the plot.
    antagonist: the antagonist is the person who is commonly seen as the "enemy," or the person who is against the protagonist
    resolution: the ending of a story where the solution is found

  8. 1.) Protagonist - Central character (book definition) or The leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text (web definition).

    2.) Exposition - statement of the situation at the beginning of the action (book) or literary device that is designed to convey important information within a short story or novel to the reader (web definition).

    3.) Crisis Action - A moment of martyred triumph for the narrator (book) or Sets up a knowledge gap that readers wants to fill (web definition)

    - David Roy

  9. exposition---
    conflict ----
    complications ---
    crisis action ---
    falling action --
    denouement --
    resolution --

  10. Protagonist: Main character
    Conflict: Protracted disagreement/argument
    Short story: Story of a self contained incident/ series of incidents that are linked

  11. Protagonist- central character
    Antagonist- represents the obstacles to the protagonists desires and may be human or another force
    Exposition- statement of the situation at the beginning of the action
    Online definitions:
    Protagonist- the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text
    Antagonist- a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary
    Exposition- a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory

  12. 1. conflict- a struggle between protagonist and antagonist.
    online- a disagreement between two characters
    2. protagonist- central character
    online- leading character, or main character
    3. antagonist- the obstacles or opposing force to the protagonist’s desires, may be human or some other force
    online- a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something

  13. Protagonist - Central character
    antagonist- represents the obstacles to the protagonists desires and may be human or another force
    Conflict: Protracted disagreement/argument

  14. 1. protagonist→ central character
    -The leading/major character
    2. antagonist→ represents obstacles to protagonist’s desires, may be another human or other force (God, nature, the self)
    -A person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something
    3. exposition→ statement of the situation at the beginning of the action
    -The exposition is the introduction to a story, including the primary characters' names, setting, mood, and time.

  15. Protagonist- Central Character

    Internet def- the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text.

    Antagonist- The obstacles to the protagonists desires

    Internet def- a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.

    Exposition- Beginning of the story

    Internet def- the part of a play or work of fiction in which the background to the main conflict is introduced.


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