A Love Letter


Write a love letter to your "writer-self". Discuss your expectations for your writer-self over the semester. Discuss the special permissions and privileges that you will give your writer-self over the semester.


  1. A “Love Letter” to my writer self:
    I expect myself to work hard throughout this year. Writing has always been a subject that I found lots of enjoyment in. I give my writer self permission to explore topics within my imagination that I have never written about. I give my writer self privilege to dive into some topics that are importantl to me, while also maintaining good writing habits. I want to write about some abstract things, as well as some things that have happened or are true. I think doing this will enhance my writing experience.

  2. I do not have a lot of writing experience. The only writing I do is for school, and everyday I write in a journal about my day and if it was good or bad, what I did that day, and how I'm feeling at the end of it. I hope that this class will help me reflect more on myself, and feel more comfortable and confident in my writing, because now I do not feel completely secure sharing what I write with whoever would listen.

  3. Dear Savannah,

    You were excited to take this class because you love to write *non-formally*. I ask you to take this class as an opportunity to write freely and with as little or as much purpose as your heart has desired all this time.
    This is no longer a research essay.
    You no longer have guidelines, or rules.
    Be beautiful, and emotional when you write. Let your thoughts and creativity guide you. With all of the angst, sadness, love, and happiness that your life has brought to you thus far, write with passion.
    You'll do great because you are great. From your greatest and most supportive ally- yourself.

    Savannah Hinton

  4. Dear Jonathan,

    I understand you've taken a step into your creative side. You've lived most of your life logical through statistics and probabilities. I know it's scary to not have a set plan or know the outcome so I am proud. Take these steps to your creative side and open up the rest of the world you've been missing. You are resilient to adversity so I know you can do it. Try to challenge yourself moving forward in creative writing and grow as a person. Master a novice feat of your own. Writing will become natural for you

    With Love,


  5. Dear Faith,

    Over the course of this semester, my goal is for you to get creative and reach outside of your comfort zone when writing. I want you to let your ideas flow freely and not to hold back from what you are trying to say. You need to get comfortable with sharing your writing in case you get called on to read your piece out loud. I expect you to write with creativity and imagination. I will allow you to be vulnerable in your writing even though it may be uncomfortable. I expect you to do what is asked in the assignment, and then some. That way you can really expand your thinking and get your ideas out there.

    Your writer self


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