Poetic Forms
From "List of 50 Poetic Forms for Poets" By: |
- Abstract (or Sound) Poetry. Abstract was a term used by Dame Edith Sitwell.
- Acrostic. A form for hidden messages.
- Alphabet Poetry. Perfect back-to-school poetry.
- Anagrammatic Poetry. More fun with letters.
- The Blitz. 50-liner invented by Robert Keim.
- The Bop. Three stanzas and three refrains, developed by Afaa Michael Weaver.
- Bref Double. French quatorzain.
- Cascade. Variable length form invented by Udit Bhatia.
- Chant. If it works once, run it into the ground.
- Cinquain. Popular five-liner.
- Concrete Poems. Shapely poetry.
- Elegy. Song of sorrow or mourning.
- Epitaphs. Or tombstone poetics.
- The Fib. Fun form from Gregory K. Pincus.
- Found Poetry. Finders keepers, right?
- Ghazal. Couplets and a refrain.
- Golden Shovel. Terrance Hayes-invented, Gwendolyn Brooks-inspired.
- Gwawdodyn. Welsh poetic form.
- Haibun. Japanese form popularized by Matsuo Basho.
- Haiku. Popular Japanese form.
- Hay(na)ku. Eileen Tabios form with 3 lines, 6 words.
- Kyrielle. Adjustable French form.
- Lai. Nine-liner from the French.
- Limerick. 5 lines and naughty rhymes.
- List Poem. Poetry at the grocery store.
- Luc Bat. Vietnamese “6-8” form.
- Lune. Robert Kelly invention, also known as American haiku.
- Madrigal. Learn both the Italian and English versions.
- Monotetra. Quatrain madness developed by Michael Walker.
- Nonet. Nine-line countdown poem.
- Ode. Praise poetry!
- Palindrome (or Mirror Poetry). Reflective poetic form.
- Pantoum. The repetitive form from Malay.
- Paradelle. Silly and/or psycho form from Billy Collins.
- Prose. Just when you thought poetry was defined by line breaks.
- Qasida. Guest post by Ren Powell.
- Quatern. French 4×4 form.
- Rispetto. Italian poetic form.
- Rondeau. 15 lines, 3 stanzas, and a lot of rhymes.
- Rondel. 13 lines in 3 stanzas.
- The Roundabout. Form from Sara Diane Doyle and David Edwards.
- Sestina. The form poets either love or hate.
- Shadorma. Spanish 6-liner.
- Sijo. Korean poetic form.
- Somonka. Japanese collaborative form.
- Sonnet. Shakespeare’s 14-line fave.
- Tanka. Kinda like a haiku plus a couplet.
- Triolet. 8-line French form.
- Triversen. William Carlos Williams invention: six tercets.
- Villanelle. Five tercets and a quatrain.
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