Chapter 1 - Invitation to the Writer


1. List the ideas from the chapter that are important to you?
2.  What does Aristotle teach us in this chapter?  How did his words change, challenge, or affirm what you already think you know?


  1. 1. Journaling is very important, we all have a "right to write"

    2. Aristotle says that a change in form leads to a change in purpose. This affirmed what I think because I work in journalism, and we emphasize the different types of media and how they serve different purposes.


  2. 1. The idea I locked onto was the sub heading you. I never realized how natural it was since birth to understand structure of writing.
    2. Aristotle said when you change the form of a thing you change its purpose. It challenged my stale view of logical and concreteness to life.

  3. 1. All writing is made from the imagination

    2. Aristotle said that when you change the form of a thing, it changes it's purpose. This changed my view that even the smallest change in our lives, can change the whole course of what our future will look like or be.

  4. 1. Something that stuck out to me was that it is impossible to write something without connecting to your own personal experiences.
    2. Aristotle said “When you change the form of a thing you change its purpose.” This changed my view on the world as I hadn’t truly thought about how if I look at something a different way its effects on me will vary.

  5. 1. Journaling is very forgiving and you can do what ever you want with it.
    2. Aristotle said that when you change the form of a thing, you change its purpose. This changed my view because when you are writing about something that happened, you are putting it in new form, so you will be giving it your perspective and it will be your own experience.

  6. 1. the different meanings of the word "genre" and examples
    2. its both normal and irrational to be nervous or have a fear of writing. the fear can be compared to public speaking. But that is okay, there is no wrong way to write.

  7. Part 2: Aristotle taught us that when you change the form of something, you change its purpose. This changed the way I think because before college I did not really think much about my future or what I wanted to do, however when I got to college and became more and more independent it changed my outlook on life. I suddenly wanted to explore and try new things that I usually would not have tried in previous years of my life. It is really incredible how much you can find out about yourself looking at different angles and being put in new situations.

    -David Roy

  8. 1. I think its important to remember that everyone has a different interpretation of everything, and that its impossibly to write the "whole" truth.
    2. Aristotle taught that when you change the medium of something, you change the way it is interpreted, and its purpose. I think this helps me understand that no matter what you do or someone else does, everybody has a different view or interpretation about it.

  9. 1. Writing is forgiving and un-judging, and it is a personal experience.

    2. Aristotle's words taught me that it is important and it is okay to write about situations in the way that you experienced and perceived them; worrying about getting it "right" is pointless because we all experience the same situations and events differently.

  10. 1. From the chapter I discovered how biased writing is due to the fact that our writing is based upon our experiences and ideologies.
    2. Covid-19 put a damper in so many of my high school and college plans. But I truly can't imagine how my life would be without the impact of the virus. In the midst of the pandemic and even sometimes now I feel that Covid has left a stain on my life. In Aristotle's perspective when a medium changes so does it's purpose and the way it is interpreted. My mindset in the way Covid impacted my life was changed overtime, because I have grown from the circumstance.

  11. 1. When your writing the translation of your experiences and thoughts are imaginatory process.
    2. Aristotle tries to teach us many different ideas in this chapter. One of which is that when we try to describe a situation we tend to tell it differently depending upon who your audience is. I agree with this ideology, I feel that the way in which we describe something changes, because you have a different reason or purpose for telling it to your chosen audience.

    Nicholas Vittitoe

  12. 1. Your writing journey is your own and you can take it any direction you want to.
    2. Aristotle's main idea was that when you change the form of a thing, you change the purpose. I took this as him meaning no matter what you write about it it whatever you want it to be and there is millions of way to interpret something.


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